Explanation of Driver/Courier Ratings

As a Driver/Courier, you’ll receive rating to help you track your performance on the platform.

Rating is calculated on a “cumulative or average basis,” which means your rating will be based on your overall performance of the past to present deliveries or pick ups for customers that decided to leave ratings.

Rating may determine if you’re eligible to continue as a Driver/Courier for XPEDE, and can also help you qualify for special programs and incentives.

In order to help make rating more fair for you, XPEDE will remove any Customer Ratings that you receive that are below 5 stars due to unreasonable and/or uncontrollable causes, such as unexpected events that occurred and were beyond your control like an accident that was not your fault, extreme weather condition (i.e. – hurricane or snowstorm), or act of God. The adjustments will happen automatically. Driver/Couriers may be deactivated from the XPEDE platform if they have Customer Ratings of 2 stars or below.

Explanation of Customer Ratings

Your rating allows us to ensure a safe, welcoming and satisfying experience with Xpede for you and the driver/courier. Like how you rate the drivers/couriers, they can rate the customers on a scale of 1 to 5 stars after each delivery or pick up order. Ratings matter because it strengthens our community and provides a better experience for you and the driver/courier, and respect between the parties. We hope that the explanation here will help you have a better understanding of your rating.

Rating is calculated on a “cumulative or average basis,” which means your rating will be based on your overall performances or conducts of the past to present deliveries or pick ups from the drivers/couriers that decided to leave ratings. In other words, it is the average of the ratings you have received from the drivers/couriers that is measured out of 5 stars. The ratings are anonymous, so neither you nor your driver/courier will actually see the individual rating you have received. You should strive to have as much stars as possible because, sometimes, driver/courier will accept your delivery order requests based on your rating since it could be an indicator of how good or reliable of a customer you are and your conduct or behavior to the driver/courier. With a high rating (i.e. 4-5 stars), it will help shorten your wait time for delivery or pick up order since driver/courier might be more incline to accept your order request.

In order to help make rating more fair for you, XPEDE will remove any Driver/Courier Ratings that you receive that are below 5 stars due to unreasonable and/or uncontrollable causes, such as unexpected events that occurred and were beyond your control like an accident or emergency situation, extreme weather condition (i.e. – hurricane or snowstorm), or act of God. The adjustments will happen automatically.